Fanuc alarm: 5031 - ILLEGAL COMMAND (G100, G102, G103) (T series)
While a registration start command (G101, G102, or G103) was being executed, another registration start command was specified for the B-axis.
None currently
While a registration start command (G101, G102, or G103) was being executed, another registration start command was specified for the B-axis.
None currently
The end command (G110) was specified before the registration start command (G101, G102, or G103) was specified for the B-axis.
None currently
An erroneous parameter was specified for restarting a program. A parameter for program restart is invalid.
None currently
Function category: Polygon turning Alarm details: In G51.2 mode, the speed of the spindle or polygon synchronous axis either exceeds the clamp value or is too small. The specified rotation speed ratio thus cannot be maintained.
None currently
M codes which belonged to the same group were specified in a block. Alternatively, an M code which must be specified without other M codes in the block was specified in a block with other M codes.
None currently
The specified rotation axis does not exist for tool axis direction handle feed.
None currently
Transfer cannot be performed because no trace data exists.
None currently
G05P0 has been specified in G41/G42 mode or with offset remaining.
None currently
Function category: High-precision contour control Alarm details: G05 P10000 has been specified in a mode from which the system cannot enter HPCC mode.
None currently
The maximum cutting feedrate (parameter No. 1422, No. 1430, No. 1431, No. 1432) is 0 in the HPCC mode.
None currently
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