Fanuc alarm: 5010 - END OF RECORD
The end of record (%) was specified. I/O is incorrect. modify the program.
None currently
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The end of record (%) was specified. I/O is incorrect. modify the program.
None currently
The maximum feedrate (parameter No. 1422) or the feedrate in dry run (parameter No. 1410) is 0 in the HPCC model.
None currently
In the HPCC mode, the machine moved beyond the limit.
None currently
The number of words specified in a block exceeded 26 in the HPCC mode.
None currently
High-precision contour control is not ready.
None currently
There is an invalid parameter.
None currently
The specified code was incorrect in the high-precision contour control (HPCC) mode.
None currently
M code, S code or T code is specified with safety zone auto setting command (G32). G32 is specified in the nibbling mode, in the cutter compensation, in the rotation mode or the scaling mode.
None currently
In safety zone auto setting, the safety zone pieces are not correct. Or the position detector has gone wrong, please tell your machine tool builder.
None currently
The feed rate of safety zone auto setting is other than the parameter value (No. 16538, No. 16539).
None currently
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