Fanuc alarm: 5227 - FILE NOT FOUND
A specified file is not found during communication with the built-in Handy File.
None currently
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A specified file is not found during communication with the built-in Handy File.
None currently
The SRAM correctable error cannot be corrected. Cause: A memory problem occurred during memory initialization. Action: Replace the master printed circuit board (SRAM module).
None currently
A parameter for automatically set a reference position is set. (Bit 2 of parameter No. 1819 = 1) Perform automatic setting. (Position the machine at the reference position manually, then perform manual reference position return.) Supplementary: Automatic setting sets bit 2 of parameter No. 1819 to 0.
None currently
There is an inclination compensation parameter setting error. Cause: 1. The number of pitch error compensation points between the negative (-) end and positive (+) end exceeds 128. 2. The relationship in magnitude among the inclination compensation point numbers is incorrect. 3. An inclination compensation point is not located between the negative (-) end and positive (+) end of the pitch error compensation points. 4. The amount of compensation per compensation point is too large or too small. Correct the parameter.
None currently
Data transfer to the memory card failed. Check whether the memory card space is insufficient and whether the memory card was removed during data transfer.
None currently
The memory card cannot be used. Check the memory card. (Check whether the memory card is write-protected or defective.)
None currently
There is a parameter setting error. Check that 4 is set as the I/O channel.
None currently
A parameter related to the fine torque sensing function is illegal. The storage interval is invalid. An invalid axis number is set as the target axis. Correct the parameter.
None currently
Temporary assignment failed, so amplifier initial ID information could not be read.
None currently
The CNC permitted FSSB to open, but FSSB was not opened.
None currently
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