Fanuc alarm: 5196 - ILLEGAL OPERATION (HPCC) (M series)
Detach operation was performed in HPCC mode. (If detach operation is performed in HPCC mode, this alarm is issued after the currently executed block terminates.)
None currently
Detach operation was performed in HPCC mode. (If detach operation is performed in HPCC mode, this alarm is issued after the currently executed block terminates.)
None currently
When the touch sensor with a single contact signal input is used in the direct input B function for tool offset measurement values, the stored pulse direction is not constant. One of the following conditions exists: a The stop state exists in offset write mode. a Servo off state a The direction varies. a Movement takes place simultaneously along two axes.
None currently
Zero is set in the parameter for the maximum cutting feedrate (parameter No. 1422 or 1432). Zero is set in the parameter for the acceleration/deceleration before interpolation (parameter No. 1770 or 1771). Set the parameter correctly.
None currently
In simple high-precision contour control mode, the controlled axis selection signal (PMC axis control) changes. In simple high-precision contour control mode, the simple synchronous axis selection signal changes.
None currently
During servo leaning control by G05, an attempt was made to perform restart operation after feed hold or interlock. This restart operation cannot be performed. (G05 leaning control terminates at the same time.)
None currently
Servo initialization did not terminate normally. The optical cable may be defective, or there may be an error in connection to the amplifier or another module. Check the optical cable and the connection status.
None currently
In automatic setting mode, axis setting has not been made yet. Perform axis setting on the FSSB setting screen.
None currently
FSSB detected a configuration error.
None currently
In comparison with the number of controlled axes, the number of amplifiers
recognized by FSSB is not enough.
None currently
FSSB has entered error mode.
None currently
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