Fanuc alarm: 5057 - M-NET BOARD SYSTEM DOWN
Transmission timeout error (parameter No. 177) ROM parity error CPU interrupt other than the above
None currently
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Transmission timeout error (parameter No. 177) ROM parity error CPU interrupt other than the above
None currently
Vertical parity or framing error
None currently
Polling time monitoring error (parameter No. 176)
None currently
Connection time monitoring error (parameter No. 175)
None currently
Abnormal ETX code
None currently
Abnormal character received (other than code used for transmission)
None currently
A command for switching the major axis has been specified for circular threading. Alternatively, a command for setting the length of the major axis to 0 has been specified for circular threading.
None currently
The parameter settings for straightness compensation contain an error. Possible causes are as follows: 1. A parameter for a movement axis or compensation axis contains an axis number which is not used. 2. More than 128 pitch error compensation points exist between the negative and positive end points. 3. Compensation point numbers for straightness compensation are not assigned in the correct order. 4. No straightness compensation point exists between the pitch error compensation points at the negative and positive ends. 5. The compensation value for each compensation point is too large or too small.
None currently
A G68 command block contains a format error. This alarm is issued in the following cases: 1. I, J, or K is missing from a G68 command block (missing coordinate rotation option). 2. I, J, and K are 0 in a G68 command block. 3. R is missing from a G68 command block.
None currently
Three-dimensional coordinate conversion G68 has been specified three or more times.
None currently
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