Fanuc alarm: 5112 - G08 CAN NOT BE COMMANDED (G05.1 G1)
Look-ahead control (G08) was specified in simple high-precision contour control mode.
None currently
Look-ahead control (G08) was specified in simple high-precision contour control mode.
None currently
An illegal G code is left modal when simple high-precision contour control mode was specified.
None currently
An illegal G code was specified in simple high-precision contour control mode. A command was specified for the index table indexing axis in simple high precision contour control mode.
None currently
Different wait codes (M codes) were specified in HEAD1 and HEAD2.
Correct the program.
None currently
The command format of a smooth interpolation command block has an error. A block for specifying smooth interpolation contains a syntax error.
None currently
This alarm is detailed on the data server message screen.
None currently
The same address has been specified two or more times in a single block. Alternatively, two or more G codes in the same group have been specified in a single block.
None currently
No decimal point has been specified for an address requiring a decimal point.
None currently
The P data in selection of the grinding-wheel wear compensation center is illegal.
None currently
The continuous high-speed skip command has one of the following errors: 1. The axis along which the tool is moved is not specified. 2. More than one axis is specified as the axis along which the tool is moved. Alternatively, the EGB skip command has one of the following errors: 1. A move command is specified for the EGB axis (work piece axis). 2. More than one axis is specified. 3. P is not specified. 4. The specified Q value exceeds the allowable range. Correct the program.
None currently
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