Fanuc alarm: 5134 - FSSB : OPEN READY TIME OUT
Initialization did not place FSSB in the open ready state.
None currently
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Initialization did not place FSSB in the open ready state.
None currently
A spiral interpolation or conical interpolation was specified in any of the
following modes:
1) Scaling
2) Programmable mirror image
3) Polar coordinate interpolation
In cutter compensation C mode, the center is set as the start point or
end point.
None currently
The difference between a specified end point and the calculated end point exceeds the allowable range (parameter 3471).
None currently
A spiral interpolation or conical interpolation command has an error. Specifically, this error is caused by one of the following: 1) L = 0 is specified. 2) Q = 0 is specified. 3) R/, R/, C is specified. 4) Zero is specified as height increment. 5) Three or more axes are specified as the height axes. 6) A height increment is specified when there are two height axes. 7) Conical interpolation is specified when the helical interpolation function is not selected. 8) Q < 0 is specified when radius difference > 0. 9) Q > 0 is specified when radius difference < 0. 10) A height increment is specified when no height axis is specified.
None currently
After manual intervention with manual absolute mode set to on, NURBS interpolation was restarted.
None currently
The first control point of NURBS is incorrect.
None currently
There is a program error in a block under look-ahead control. Monotone increasing of knots is not observed. In NURBS interpolation mode, a mode that cannot be used together is specified.
None currently
There is an error in the specification of the rank. No knot is specified. The knot specification has an error. The number of axes exceeds the limits. Other program errors
None currently
At the time of restart after manual intervention, the coordinates at which the manual intervention occurred have not been restored.
None currently
Simple high-precision contour control (G05.1) was specified in MDI mode.
None currently
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