
Fanuc alarm: 5413 - NURBS:ILLEGAL AXIS COMMAND(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,

Alarm Description

An axis not specified with controlled points is specified in the first block.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5413 - NURBS:ILLEGAL AXIS COMMAND(M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5412 - NURBS:NO KNOT COMMAND(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5412 - NURBS:NO KNOT COMMAND(M series)

Alarm Description

No knot is specified. Alternatively, in NURBS interpolation mode, a
block not relating to NURBS interpolation is specified.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5412 - NURBS:NO KNOT COMMAND(M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5410 - NURBS:ILLEGAL ORDER (M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5410 - NURBS:ILLEGAL ORDER (M series)

Alarm Description

The number of steps is specified incorrectly.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5410 - NURBS:ILLEGAL ORDER (M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5409 - ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.3(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5409 - ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.3(M series)

Alarm Description

The parameter setting (No. xxxx to xxxx) that determines the relationship
between the rotation axis and rotation plane is incorrect.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5409 - ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.3(M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5408 - G41.3 ILLEGAL START_UP(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5408 - G41.3 ILLEGAL START_UP(M series)

Alarm Description

1) In a mode of group 01 except G00 and G01, G41.3 (startup) is specified.
2) At startup, the included angle of the tool direction vector and move
direction vector is 0 or 180 degrees.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5408 - G41.3 ILLEGAL START_UP(M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5407 - ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G41.3(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5407 - ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G41.3(M series)

Alarm Description

1) A G code that belongs to group 01 except G00 and G01 is specified
in G41.3 mode.
2) An offset command (a G code belonging to group 07) is specified in
G41.3 mode.
3) The block next to G41.3 (startup) contains no movement.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5407 - ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G41.3(M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5406 - G41.3/G40 FORMAT ERROR(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5406 - G41.3/G40 FORMAT ERROR(M series)

Alarm Description

1) A G41.3 or G40 block contains a move command.
2) A G1.3 block contains a G code or M code for which buffering is suppressed.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5406 - G41.3/G40 FORMAT ERROR(M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5405 - ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.2/G42.2 (M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5405 - ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.2/G42.2 (M series)

Alarm Description

The parameter setting that determines the relationship between the
rotation axis and rotation plane is incorrect.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5405 - ILLEGAL PARAMETER IN G41.2/G42.2 (M series)) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5404 - none

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5404 - none

Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5404 - none) error message below.

Fanuc alarm: 5403 - SPL:CAN NOT MAKE VECTOR(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5403 - SPL:CAN NOT MAKE VECTOR(M series)

Alarm Description

Three-dimensional tool compensation vectors cannot be generated. When a three-dimensional tool compensation vector is created for
the second or subsequent point, that point, previous point, and next
point are on the same straight line, and that straight line and the three-
dimensional tool compensation vector for the previous point are in
parallel. When a three-dimensional tool compensation vector is created at the
end point of smooth interpolation or spline interpolation, the end point
and the point two points before are the same.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

Help Others
Post troubleshooting recommendations for (Fanuc alarm: 5403 - SPL:CAN NOT MAKE VECTOR(M series)) error message below.

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