Fanuc alarm: I0022 - BUBBLE WRIE PROTECTED
An attempt was made to write data into the forbidden area of the bubble memory.
None currently
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An attempt was made to write data into the forbidden area of the bubble memory.
None currently
A parity error was detected when data was read from the bubble memory.
None currently
I-bit parity occurred, and automatically corrected page number exceeded 16 pages.
None currently
Bubble memory was erased or unloaded.
None currently
Bubble memory map loop was broken.
None currently
Bubble memory data transfer was not normal.
None currently
A command undefined in the bubble memory control circuit was written.
None currently
A bubble memory rea/write time out error was detected.
None currently
The absolute pulse coder is faulty or the machine position were not be determined correctly because the machine has moved considerable at the time of power on.
None currently
The amount of straightness compensation exceeds +32767.
None currently
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