Fanuc alarm: SV030 - EMERGENCY STOP
Emergency stop was applied. (In case of parameter 2001 ENR=1)
None currently
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Emergency stop was applied. (In case of parameter 2001 ENR=1)
None currently
Parameter No. 1023 for servo axis arrangement was not set properly.
None currently
Velocity control ready signal (VRDY) was turned on instead of being turned off when servo control was turned on.
None currently
Servo motor was detected to have been overloaded.
None currently
One-revolution signal of pulse coder was not turned on within the allowable range.
None currently
One-revolution signal of pulse coder was turned on at an abnormal position,
None currently
Phase shift amount of the resolver or inductosyn could not be obtained correctly.
None currently
An error was detected in the feedback pulse from pulse.
None currently
An error was detected in the resolver or the inductosyn.
None currently
A position control LSI trouble was deteted.
None currently
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