The mode is not correct. Parameter input wsa attempted in a mode other than MDI Select MDI mode.
None currently
- Read more about Fanuc alarm: WRONG MODE - WRONG MODE
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The mode is not correct. Parameter input wsa attempted in a mode other than MDI Select MDI mode.
None currently
No data can be entered because the memory protection key (work coordinate value, offset value, and program) is in effect, or parameter entry is impossible because the data number 8000 PWE used to enable writing parameter is set to 0.
None currently
The format is wrong.
None currently
Enter data via the keyboard.
None currently
Data entry is inhibited because the cycle operating or mode changing is in the progress.
None currently
Parameter error for straightness or inclination compensation.
None currently
A parameter to turn off power was once set.
None currently
An attempt was made to write data or read data from an address which is out of the bubble memory range.
None currently
An invalid code was read out of the NC memory.
None currently
The check sum in the page unit of the NC memory is in error.
None currently
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