In G71/G72 finishing shape program, Z axis direction and X axis direction are not changing monotonously for G71 and for G72 respectively.
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In G71/G72 finishing shape program, Z axis direction and X axis direction are not changing monotonously for G71 and for G72 respectively.
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P or Q sequence number block specified in the canned cycle G71, G72, G73 blocks is not found.
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1) The value commanded by address D in G71, G72, G73 block is zero or negative value. 2) The value commanded by K, D in G76 block is zero or negative value or the value commanded by A exceeds allowable range (o degrees <=A=120 degrees) 3) The value commanded I, K, D is negative value. 4) The value of I is zero though X is commanded in G74, G75 block or the value of K is zero though Z is commanded in G74, G75 block.
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Neither P nor Q is specified in the canned cycle G70 to G73 blocks for multiple repetitive cycles. (P: Sequence number at the cycle start block. Q: Sequence number at the cycle end block)
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The specified sequence number was not found in the sequence number search. The sequence number was not found at the jump destination specified by GOTO n or M99Pn.
You searched for something that did not exist in the program.
The specified spindle speed exceeded the maximum revolutions (data number 5619) of the spindle motor (when data number 5601 parameter SAL is 1).
You either Exceeded maximum RPM for this machine or exceeded a specified max RPM via a G50 statement.
GOTO statement or WHITE-DO statement is contained in an MDI or tape mode main program.
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EOB (End of Block) code is missing at the end of a program which was input in the MDI mode.
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the number of words in a block exceeds the allowable range.
You are using to many commands in one line. Break up the line in your program into two.
Address O or N is not followed by a number (numeral).
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