The memory area is full; no more programs can be entered.
None currently
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The memory area is full; no more programs can be entered.
None currently
Program entry was attempted with the same number as those in memory assigned.
None currently
Editing is disabled while the NC unit is in the current state. (This condition usually occurs while the NC unit is in operation.)
None currently
Editing attempted with no program selected. Select the program by activating the program number search or by entering the desired program number.
None currently
No external I/O devices can be used because the channels for such external I/O devices are in use unless the operation is terminated. This condition is cleared by REST key.
None currently
Entered data cannot be found.
None currently
Data entry was tried to a locked parameter.
None currently
Automatic operation start cannot be accepted due to one of the conditions below. 1) Automatic Operation Stop signal (*SP) is at low level. 2) An alarm state 3) SRN signal has been issued. 4) Program start was attempted while the same program was being edited. 5) PTR (or RS-232-C) is not in the ready state with the tape mode selected.
None currently
Data digits exceed the allowance.
None currently
Data exceeds the allowances.
None currently
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