Other user, such as PMC, tried to use the graphic display.
None currently
Other user, such as PMC, tried to use the graphic display.
None currently
Selection parameter (#7703) fo the graphic display axis is not set.
None currently
The option corresponding to the command specified is not available.
None currently
Cursor movement or program editing was attempted to the display-inhibited programs (those which are prohibited from displaying by the parameter setting and encripted programs.)
None currently
Program editing was attempted while the program is in operation. 1) Editing was attempted with the feed hold state. 2) Editing was attempted with the automatic operation stop state. 3) Editing was attempted on the same program as used in the foreground while in the background. (If the foreground is in reset & rewind condition, no error occurs.)
None currently
The entered command cannot be used in the current NC state. (HERE was commanded at the beginning of the program collation, or program restart was commanded while it was in progress.)
None currently
No program number is found at the beginning of the program where the tapee registration was attempted. (This condition occurs when the program tape entry is commanded.)
None currently
Editing was attempted on words that cannot be edited (e.g., alter or delet function was used to a program number).
None currently
The number of programs is out of range; no more programs can be entered.
None currently
Parameter entry was attempted in a state other than the emergency stop state. Select the emergency stop state.
None currently
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