Fanuc alarm: 5448 - CRC:INTERFERENCE TO AVD.(M series)
In the interference check evade function of cutter compensation, a further
interference occurs for an already created interference evade vector.
None currently
In the interference check evade function of cutter compensation, a further
interference occurs for an already created interference evade vector.
None currently
The interference check evade function of cutter compensation determines
that an evade operation will lead to danger.
None currently
Because there is no interference evade vector, the interference check
evade function of cutter compensation cannot evade interference.
None currently
Corner circular interpolation (G39) of cutter compensation is not specified
alone but is specified with a move command.
None currently
The drilling axis specified for the drilling canned cycle is incorrect.
The G code command block of the canned cycle does not specify the
Z point of the drilling axis. When there is a parallel axis with the drilling
axis, the parallel axis is also specified at the same time.
None currently
Incorrect parameter setting (setting of the tool axis)
None currently
Incorrect parameter setting (setting of the rotation axis)
None currently
Incorrect parameter setting (set value range)
None currently
In three-dimensional circular interpolation mode (G02.4/G03.4), manual
intervention was made when the manual absolute switch was on.
None currently
A three-dimensional circular interpolation command (G02.4/G03.4) is
None currently
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