A plane select command is in error. (Parellel axes were specified simultaneously.)
CNC Programming problem
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A plane select command is in error. (Parellel axes were specified simultaneously.)
CNC Programming problem
The axis, specified by G27 (zero return check), does not return to zero point yet.
CNC Programming problem
The move amount exceeded the maximum command value as a result of compensation and others.
CNC Programming problem
A move command was specified for axes exceeding the simultaneously controllable axes.
CNC Programming problem
FO (rapid traverse in F1 digit feed or inverse feed) was specified in the circular mode (G02/G03)
CNC Programming problem
After turning on the power supply, the move command was specified for an axes where the zero return had not yet been finished. (Automatic operation)
CNC Programming problem
All parallel axes at the same address are parking. (Parking signal is turned on)
CNC Programming problem
There is an error in the G10.1 format.
CNC Programming problem
Response time of the PC to the G10.1 command is out.
CNC Programming problem
There is an error in the G10 format.
CNC Programming problem
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