Cutter compensation is being started up or cancelled under the arc mode.
CNC Program problem
Cutter compensation is being started up or cancelled under the arc mode.
CNC Program problem
A retract command is erroneous. (Longer axis is specified in thread cutting.)
CNC Program problem
A G code which shall not be commanded in G12.1 mode is commanded.
CNC Program problem
1) Conditions when polar coordinate interpolation is started or canceled are not correct. 2) G12.1 or G13.1 is commanded in the mode except for G40 mode. 3) There is a mistake in the selection of a plane. (Parameter set mistakes/1032, 1033, 1022)
CNC Program problem
An invalid tool number is specified.
CNC Program problem
Turret indexing is specified without performing the reference point return.
Send machine home as well as try indexing the turret with the manual buttons on the machine to home some turrets before programming them to run.
The command arc exceeded the range where interpolation can be made.
CNC Programming problem
A command to change the longer axis is specified during thread cutting in circular thread.
CNC Programming problem
Grid position could not be obtained because no one-revolution signal was applied before leaving deceleration dog in grid zero return using a digital position detector.
Probably bad encoder possibly cable. Power down machine and back up and rezero machine to see if goes away.
On indexing commands for the index table, error commands are specified.
None currently
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