Fanuc alarm: SR312 - H.S.C. ERROR
The address P, Q, L command value exceeded the allowable range.
Check your CNC Program
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The address P, Q, L command value exceeded the allowable range.
Check your CNC Program
There was an impermissible command during the high-speed machining.
Check your CNC Program
G10.3. G11.3 or G65.3 is used erroneously.
Check your CNC Program
G72.1 is specified again in G72.2 "parallel copying".
Check your CNC Program
G72.1 is specified again in G72.1 "rotation copying".
Check your CNC Program
There is an error in the command value of the exponential function interpolation. (The command value which does not fallow for the exponential function interpolation was specified. For example, the parameter of the In is negative.)
Check your CNC Program
There is an error in the format of the exponential function interpolation. (Addresses I, J, R are not specified or their values are 0 or the span value is negative.)
Check your CNC Program
There is an error in the setting of the axis (Parameter number 7636, 7637) for performing the exponential function interpolation.
Check your CNC Program
Command is made in the state that G05 cannot be commanded.
Check your CNC Program
The block includes an error.
Check your CNC Program
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