Fanuc alarm: SR590 - TH ERROR
TH alarm (A character with a parity error was specified in the significant information section.)
None currently
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TH alarm (A character with a parity error was specified in the significant information section.)
None currently
Number of setting of tool data exceeds to the maximum allowable number of setting of tool data. (Tool offset by tool number)
None currently
A macro interrupt occurred during the high-speed machining.
Check your CNC Program
The high-speed machining data format is faulty.
Check your CNC Program
The high-speed machining data was registered during background editing.
Check your CNC Program
The number of the registered pieces of the high-speed machining data exceeded the limit.
Check your CNC Program
The memory has no more vacant areas.
Check your CNC Program
The high-speed machining data of the registered number is existing.
Check your CNC Program
The cluster of the called number does not exist.
Check your CNC Program
The high-speed machining data of the called number does not exist.
Check your CNC Program
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