Power semiconductor is overheated.
None currently
Power semiconductor is overheated.
None currently
24 V voltage of the velocity control unit of the spindle motor is higher than specified.
Check incoming power and transformer taps to start with.
Spindle motor speed exceeded the maximum rating. (Digital detection)
None currently
Spindle motor speed exceeded the maximum rating. (Analog detection)
None currently
Fuse AF2 or AF3 of the velocity control unit of the spindle motor was blown out.
Replace fuse first or send unti out for repair. Could also be cable issues or possible short.
Fuse F1, F2 or F3 of the velocity control unit of the spindle motor was blown out.
Replace fuse first or send unti out for repair. Could also be cable issues or possible short.
Fuse F7 of the velocity control unit of the spindle motor was blown out.
Replace fuse first or send unti out for repair. Could also be cable issues or possible short.
A deviation is excessive between the command velocity and the actual velocity of the spindle motor. (15-20%)
Spindle RPM changed to slow or to fast. It did not correspond with where the control thought it was. Check feedback cables to motor or sensor.
Spindle motor is overheated.
Check Fans on the spindle motor as well as spindle drive if equipped. Also check electical cabinet fans to make sure they are running properly.
Spindle motor alarm signal turned on. Code showing a cause of alarm is 0.
None currently
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