The number of close brackets ")" is smaller than the number of open brackets "(" (Custom macro).
CNC Programming problem
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The number of close brackets ")" is smaller than the number of open brackets "(" (Custom macro).
CNC Programming problem
The number of open brackets "(" is smaller than the number of close brackets ")" (Custom macro).
CNC Programming problem
Sequence number is other than 1 - 9999.
CNC Programming problem
DO and END number exceeded the allowable range.
CNC Programming problem
Expression format is illegal.
CNC Programming problem
DO command corresponding to END command is missing (Custom macro).
None currently
END command corresponding to DO command is missing (Custom macro).
None currently
Multiplicity of macro calls exceeded the allowable range (Custom macro).
None currently
The total of multiplicity of subprogram calls and macro calls exceeded the allowable range.
None currently
An argument of a function exceeded the allowable range (Custom macro).
None currently
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