Fanuc alarm: PS446 - ILLEGAL H D T COMMAND
H, D or T command in a program which sets a tool group data exceeds the maximum value.
Check your CNC Program
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H, D or T command in a program which sets a tool group data exceeds the maximum value.
Check your CNC Program
A L command in a program which sets a tool group data is 0 or exceeds the allowable maximum life count.
Check your CNC Program
The number of tool group to be set exceeds the maximum.
Check your CNC Program
P or L command is missed at the head of a program which sets a tool group data.
Check your CNC Program
A T command (belongs to return destination destination tool group) following M06 command in a machining program does not match with the group number currently used.
Check your CNC Program
H99 command of D99 command has been specified when no tool is used, which belongs to a group.
Check your CNC Program
No T command is specified in a tool group setting program.
Check your CNC Program
The number of tools registerable in a group exceeds the maximum.
Check your CNC Program
Tool data of the group specified in a machining program has not been specified.
Check your CNC Program
The tool group number exceeds the maximum value.
Check your CNC Program
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