Fanuc alarm: 5452 - IMPROPER G-CODE (5AXIS MODE)(M series)

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, ,
5452 - IMPROPER G-CODE (5AXIS MODE)(M series)

Alarm Description

A G code that cannot be specified is found. (5-axis mode)
This alarm is issued when:
1) Three-dimensional cutter compensation (side-face offset and leading-
edge offset) is applied during cutter compensation, or cutter
compensation is applied during three-dimensional cutter compensation
(side-face offset and leading-edge offset).
2) A leading-edge offset of three-dimensional cutter compensation is
applied during side-face offsetting of three-dimensional cutter compensation,
or a side-face offset of three-dimensional cutter compensation
is applied during leading-edge offsetting of three-dimensional
cutter compensation.
3) Tool axis direction tool length compensation is applied during tool
length compensation, or tool length compensation is applied during
tool axis direction tool length compensation.
4) Tool center point control is provided during tool length compensation,
or tool length compensation is applied during tool center point
5) Tool center point control is provided during tool axis direction tool
length compensation, or tool axis direction tool length compensation
is applied during tool center point control.
If this alarm is issued, cancel the relevant mode, then specify a different

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

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