
Yasnac J50 CNC control alarms listing.

Yasnac alarm: 357 - OL (OTHERS)

CNC Alarm Error Message
357 - OL (OTHERS)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX1, MX2, MX3, LX1, LX2, LX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


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Post CNC machine troubleshooting recommendations for (Yasnac alarm: 357 - OL (OTHERS)) error message below.

Yasnac alarm: 356 - OL (S)

CNC Alarm Error Message
356 - OL (S)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Turn spindle by hand and Megohm Spindle motor to check insulation resistance.

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Post CNC machine troubleshooting recommendations for (Yasnac alarm: 356 - OL (S)) error message below.

Yasnac alarm: 355 - OL (5)

CNC Alarm Error Message
355 - OL (5)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX1, MX2, MX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Overload condition occurred! Determine if internal in servo drive. May swap drives with same part number but you will loose home position so they must be reset. Megohm motor, check for load in axis by turning screws by hand if axis does not have a brake.

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Yasnac alarm: 354 - OL (4)

CNC Alarm Error Message
354 - OL (4)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX1, MX2, MX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Overload condition occurred! Determine if internal in servo drive. May swap drives with same part number but you will loose home position so they must be reset. Megohm motor, check for load in axis by turning screws by hand if axis does not have a brake.

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Post CNC machine troubleshooting recommendations for (Yasnac alarm: 354 - OL (4)) error message below.

Yasnac alarm: 353 - OL (Z)

CNC Alarm Error Message
353 - OL (Z)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX1, MX2, MX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Overload condition occurred! Determine if internal in servo drive. May swap drives with same part number but you will loose home position so they must be reset. Megohm motor, check for load in axis by turning screws by hand if axis does not have a brake.

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Post CNC machine troubleshooting recommendations for (Yasnac alarm: 353 - OL (Z)) error message below.

Yasnac alarm: 352 - OL (Y)

CNC Alarm Error Message
352 - OL (Y)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX1, MX2, MX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Overload condition occurred! Determine if internal in servo drive. May swap drives with same part number but you will loose home position so they must be reset. Megohm motor, check for load in axis by turning screws by hand if axis does not have a brake.

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Post CNC machine troubleshooting recommendations for (Yasnac alarm: 352 - OL (Y)) error message below.

Yasnac alarm: 351 - OL (X)

CNC Alarm Error Message
351 - OL (X)
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX1, MX2, MX3, LX1, LX2, LX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Overload condition occurred! Determine if internal in servo drive. May swap drives with same part number but you will loose home position so they must be reset. Megohm motor, check for load in axis by turning screws by hand if axis does not have a brake.

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Post CNC machine troubleshooting recommendations for (Yasnac alarm: 351 - OL (X)) error message below.

Yasnac alarm: 346 - SERVO ERROR (S)

CNC Alarm Error Message
Control Manufacturer
Control Model
J50, MX3

Yaskawa/Yasnac CNC Machine Alarm Description


Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

Check Drive LEDS for errors or Plug in Pendant into drive to read errors for Newer controls.

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