Fanuc alarm: 417,427,437,447,457,467,477 - SERVO ALARM: n-th AXIS - PARAMETER INCORRECT

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
, 0/00/0-mate,
417,427,437,447,457,467,477 - SERVO ALARM: n-th AXIS - PARAMETER INCORRECT

Alarm Description

This alarm occurs when the n-th axis is in one of the conditions listed below. (Digital servo system alarm) 1) The value set in Parameter No. 8n20 (motor form) is out of the specified limit. 2) A proper value (111 or -111) is not set in parameter No. 8n22 (motor revolution direction). 3) Illegal data (a value below 0, etc.) - No. 8n23 (number of speed feedback pulses per motor revolution). 4) Illegal data (a value below 0, etc.) - No. 8n24 (number of position feedback pulses per motor revolution). 5) Parameters No. 8n84 and No. 8n85 (flexible field gear rate) have not been set. 6) An axis selection parameter (from No. 269 to 274) is incorrect. 7) An overflow occurred during parameter computation.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

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