Fanuc alarm: 210 - CAN NOT COMMAND M198/M199

CNC Machine Control Manufacturer
Control Model
16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i
210 - CAN NOT COMMAND M198/M199

Alarm Description

M98 and M99 are executed in the schedule operation. M198 is executed in the DNC operation. Modify the program. 1) The execution of an M198 or M99 command was attempted during scheduled operation. Alternatively, the execution of an M198 command was attempted during DNC operation. Correct the program. The execution of an M99 command was attempted by an interrupt macro during pocket machining in a multiple repetitive canned cycle.

Additional Suggestions & Alarm Clarification

None currently

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